Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP)

What is an NLP?
Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) is the pseudoscience approach to communication or personal development and psychotherapy which was created in the 1970s.
NLP is designed to help people achieve their work goals, improve productivity and can also be applied in Relationships to enhance communication with yourself and others.

This type of therapy can also be used for psychological disorders including phobias, depression, generalised anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder or PTSD.

Why would NLP improve your relationship?
NLP allows you to understand someone else’s model of the world, thus making better-informed decisions.
NLP allows you to understand your partner at a deeper level as well as yourself and assisting with communicating in a more efficient and effective way.
It gives you skills to manage your states and change your behaviour from one state to another in a short space of time.
Understanding this strategy will allow you to bring more love into your relationships as well as know more of yourself at a deeper level. Pretty much, knowing when to pick your battles and when to let something go.

If you are single NLP can help with understanding yourself more so that you’re able to attract a person who has similar values and beliefs to yourself. The idea behind NLP is bringing the mind and body back into oneness and wholeness, therefore, allowing someone to live in full congruency.

Date & Time

27th July to 31st July 2022


Online Event

More Details

  • Event Price – $2,497 (if paid in full before event)

  • Event Price – $2,997 (Payment plan, 70% to be paid before event)

    Some other reasons that NLP can assist you in relationship with yourself or your partner are:
    1) Have a better relationship with yourself
    2) Engage in a relationship in the right state
    3) Open your hand if you want to be heeled- meaning understand the other people model of the world
    4) Build rapport
    5) Let go of perfectionism and being open to change
    6) Be responsible for you and let others be responsible for themselves
    7) Prevents mind reading and assuming situations to be something which they are not
    8) Give feedback as a loving gift to enhance communication
    9) When in conflict to step outside of your view and the view from the other person’s perspective.

    Your next step

    Connect with me

    Without blowing out and feeling unworthy of yourself, lets jump on a 30 minute clarity call to discuss whether some coaching to get you back on track

    • Book your 30-min Clarity Call
    • Develop a plan that supports your success
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