Download your Guide to Gratitude​

It’s easy to stay positive when things are going really well. When you’re working in the career that you like, your relationship is on track, you’re eating right, you’re feeling healthy, but it takes another level to be able to remain positive and calm and strong, have courage and determination when things are falling around you.

I truly believe this, that things don’t happen to you.
They happen for you.

God only gives you the challenges that you can handle.

But I truly believe that we must go through pain in order to find deeper depths of love.

We must go through pain to understand that happiness is bought in moments and not in things.

That whatever you believe may be happening to you, there is somebody else that’s looking at your life wishing that they had it, wishing that they had the child, or the home, or the job, or the body or the career.

So today I invite you to bring gratitude practice into your life.

Start your day with even just turning over to your partner in bed and telling him or her three things that you’re grateful for, if you don’t have a partner, use your gratitude journal.

Sending you all light and love.

Have a magical day.

Enjoy the moments.

Stop, breathe, take it all in because you only have this moment.

Click on the link to download a free gratitude journal.